
Random List Generator Online for Name and Word 💫

Februari 01, 2024

Create random lists with our tool. Input a list of names or words into the Text Box, and click generate:

Random List Generator

Random List Generator

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What is a Random List Generator?

Random List Generator Online

A Random List Generator is a tool designed to produce lists of elements randomly. This tool allows users to input any list of elements, such as numbers, words, or other items, and the tool will shuffle the input elements randomly.


In this Random List Generator tool, we utilize the Durstenfeld Algorithm to shuffle the elements.

How to Use?

Here are the steps you need to use this tool:

1. Enter words or names into the Text Box (each word should be separated by pressing Enter).


2. Click on the "GENERATE" menu to perform shuffling.


3. Click on the "COPY" menu to copy the shuffled words' results.


4. Meanwhile, the "DELETE" menu can be used to clear the shuffle results and words in the Text Box.

What is the Durstenfeld Algorithm?


The Durstenfeld Algorithm is a variation of the Fisher-Yates algorithm used to shuffle elements in an array. Created by Richard Durstenfeld in 1964, this algorithm works by swapping each element in the array with another element randomly chosen from the remaining array.


This process applies to each element in the array, thus producing a random order of the sample elements.


The Durstenfeld Algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the array to be shuffled. This makes it one of the most efficient shuffling algorithms and is commonly used in various applications requiring shuffling data with an unlimited number of elements.


Like another random name from a list generator tool, this tool can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Education: To create quizzes or exercises involving random order, such as multiple-choice questions or questions that need to be sorted.
  • Random activities: For entertainment purposes, such as animal name shuffling games or raffles, where random order is required.
  • Research and experiments: To design experiments where random settings are required, such as scientific research or statistical analysis.
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